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Posts Tagged ‘family-sized condos’

The Weekly Wrap for Friday, March 11, 2011

In This week in the neighbourhood on March 11, 2011 at 12:05 AM

Targeting Layton Liberals along the Bloor subway line. Instead of doing the hard work of taking on Harper, Jane Taber says the NDP are back to poaching voters from the Liberals. [Globe and Mail]


The evolution of a street: from ghost town to hip destination to tarnished outdoor mall. Corey Mintz discusses why your great neighbourhood has terrible restaurants. [OpenFile]


Power to the people. Edward Keenan reports on how Hart House is harnessing the energy from exercise equipment and using it to generate electricity. [YongeStreet]


No more dreams of a backyard in suburbia. Cody Winchester looks at the fight for family-sized condos in downtown Toronto [National Post/Montreal Gazette]


Does Ford rule by fiat, or is council still supreme? Cityslikr fills you in with a backgrounder about what the TCHC debate was really about [All Fired Up In The Big Smoke] Daniel Dale gives a pretty good blow-by-blow-of the special meeting of Council on March 9th [] and CitySlikr calls out the cowardly councilors who chose to stay silent during a debate about whether Toronto is still a representative democracy. [All Fired Up in the Big Smoke]


Speaking of our eroding democracy, Wyndham Bettencourt-McCarthy reviews a show about another side of the G20 featuring arrestees’ portraits and stories [Torontoist] while the Fifth Estate presents the gripping G20 documentary You should have stayed at home. []


What do you know about the stop at Wychwood Barns? Videographer Darren Alexander profiles the work of a decidedly different kind of food bank [YongeStreet] during Stop for Food, a fund-raising prix fixe dining event running in selected Toronto restaurants until March 31st. []


A reminder that the Canadian Music Fest is in town to March 13th, with shows scheduled at local venues the Annex Wreck Room, Clinton’s, Free Times Cafe, Lee’s Palace, Rancho Relaxo, Sneaky Dee’s, Sonic Boom, and others.

It’s in the Economist so it must be true: bike lanes make economic sense. R.A. analyzes the data. [The Economist, h/t Tim Kraan]


Every Friday, the Weekly Wrap collects articles from around the web about or of interest to residents of the West Annex.

Read last week’s wrap:

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